Rhapsody (9 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
RhapsodyDawn Of VictoryMP3not rated39:49
RhapsodyLegendary TalesMP31997not rated45:30
RhapsodyLive In Canada 2005 - The Dark SecretMP32006not rated1:00:04
RhapsodyOld Battle SongsMP32001not rated1:03:32
RhapsodyPower Of The DragonflameMP32002not rated1:01:05
RhapsodyRain Of A Thousand FlamesMP32001not rated41:54
RhapsodySymphony Of Enchanted LandsMP31998not rated55:42
RhapsodySymphony Of Enchanted Lands IiMP32004not rated1:12:48
RhapsodyThe Dark Secret (EP)MP32004not rated29:43