Complete list of kingoftheslimes's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YelloHow How (Drummer's Mix)How How - 2 - The Plutone Mixes5:41not ratedCD1994
YelloHow How (In Silence Mix)How How - 2 - The Plutone Mixes4:35not ratedCD1994
YelloHow How (Saxophone Mix)How How - 2 - The Plutone Mixes5:24not ratedCD1994
YelloI Love You1980 - 1985 The New Mix In One Go4:07not ratedCD1986
YelloI Love YouYou Gotta Say Yes To Another Excessnot rated12" vinyl1983
YelloI Love You (Extended Dance Version)I Love You (Extended Dance Version)not rated12" vinyl1983
YelloI Love You (Remix by Hardsequencer)Hands On Yello5:35not ratedCD1995
YelloI... I'm In LoveZebra3:28not ratedCD1994
YelloIndigo BayThe Eye5:50not ratedCD2003
YelloInsanePoint3:50not ratedCD/Vinyl Box Set2020
YelloJungle BillBaby6:12not ratedCD1991
YelloJungle Bill (Big Pig Shuffle)Jungle Billnot rated12" vinyl1992
YelloJungle Bill (Chicken Dive Mix)Jungle Billnot rated12" vinyl1992
YelloJungle Bill (Ian Tregoning Mix)Jungle Billnot rated12" vinyl1992
YelloJungle Bill (Space Shuffle)Jungle Billnot rated12" vinyl1992
YelloJunior BThe Eye4:05not ratedCD2003
YelloKiss The CloudToy3:14not ratedCD2016
YelloKoladi-Ola1980 - 1985 The New Mix In One Go2:54not ratedCD1986
YelloKoladi-Ola (Low Blow)Stellanot rated12" vinyl1985
YelloL'Hotel (Remix by Carl Cox)Hands On Yello5:08not ratedCD1995
YelloLa HabaneraOne Secondnot rated12" vinyl1987
YelloLa Habanera (Remix by Carl Craig)Hands On Yello5:48not ratedCD1995
YelloLa Secret FaridaOne Secondnot rated12" vinyl1987
YelloLet Me CryStellanot rated12" vinyl1985
YelloLimboPointnot ratedCD/Vinyl Box Set2020

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