Complete list of kingoftheslimes's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
U.S. ChristmasThe Light And TrailsEat The Low Dogs5:25not ratedCD2008
U.S. ChristmasThe Moon In Flesh And BoneRun Thick In The Night8:43not ratedCD2010
U.S. ChristmasThe QuenaRun Thick In The Night3:30not ratedCD2010
U.S. ChristmasThe ScalphuntersEat The Low Dogs5:40not ratedCD2008
U.S. ChristmasThe ScalphuntersU.S. Christmas5:40not rated12" vinyl2007
U.S. ChristmasThe Valley PathThe Valley Path38:53not ratedCD2011
U.S. ChristmasThin The HerdBad Heart Bull4:03not rated12" vinyl2004
U.S. ChristmasThin The HerdSalt The Wound4:06not ratedCD2012
U.S. ChristmasThin The HerdSalt The Wound4:06not ratedCD2006
U.S. ChristmasThin The HerdBad Heart Bull4:02not ratedCDR2004
U.S. ChristmasThin The HerdSalt The Wound4:06not ratedCDR2005
U.S. ChristmasUktenaEat The Low Dogs8:20not ratedCD2008
U.S. ChristmasUnder The NailsPrayer Meeting5:47not ratedCDR2003
U.S. ChristmasUnder The NailsPrayer Meeting5:47not ratedMP32003
U.S. ChristmasWalk UnderBad Heart Bull1:27not ratedCDR2004
U.S. ChristmasWalk UnderBad Heart Bull1:27not rated12" vinyl2004
U.S. ChristmasWhoooo Hoooo! Dead Air DroneCliff's Birthday Show2:55not ratedCDR2006
U.S. ChristmasWish You Were Here?Cliff's Birthday Show0:47not ratedCDR2006
U.S. ChristmasWolf On AnaretaRun Thick In The Night6:23not ratedCD2010
U.S. ChristmasWolf On AnaretaWeedian Trip To North Carolina6:23not ratedMP32022
U.S. ChristmasYou Shouldn't Do ThatHawkwind Triad11:24not ratedCD2010
U.S. ChristmasYour SoulPrayer Meeting2:46not ratedCDR2003
U.S. ChristmasYour SoulPrayer Meeting2:46not ratedMP32003
U.S. PolicestateFairy TaleSmash The States: Redefining Punk Rock From The South1:22not ratedCD2005
UBRHarmonijaMaximum Rocknroll Presents: Welcome To 19840:35not ratedMP31984

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