Orange Goblin
Healing Through Fire

Orange Goblin - Healing Through Fire

  • Release date: 2007
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 1:25:16
  • not rated
  • Added July 7, 2007


1. The Ballad Of Solomon Eaglenot rated5:18
2. Vagrant Stompnot rated4:10
3. The Ale House Bravesnot rated3:50
4. Cities Of Frostnot rated5:35
5. Hot Knives And Open Soresnot rated4:22
6. Hounds Ditchnot rated5:30
7. Mortlake (Dead Water)not rated2:11
8. They Come Back (Harvest Of Skulls)not rated4:44
9. Beginners Guide To Suicidenot rated8:06
DVD Video
1. Intronot rated0:51
2. Some You Win, Some You Losenot rated3:35
3. Quincy The Pigboynot rated3:04
4. Individual Interviewsnot rated1:00
5. Getting High On The Bad Timesnot rated4:17
6. Group Interviewnot rated0:28
7. The Ballad Of Solomon Eaglenot rated1:38
8. In The Studionot rated1:07
9. Hot Magic Red Planetnot rated3:58
10. Round Up The Horsesnot rated5:33
11. Group Interviewnot rated0:45
12. They Come Backnot rated4:27
13. Your World Will Hate Thisnot rated2:08
14. In The Studionot rated0:31
15. Blue Snownot rated3:31
16. Group Interviewnot rated0:45
17. Scorpionicanot rated3:49

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