Easton, Sheena (9 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Easton, SheenaA Private HeavenCD1984not rated39:56
Easton, SheenaDo YouCD1986not rated47:07
Easton, SheenaMadness, Money and MusicCD1982not rated45:49
Easton, SheenaMy CherieCD1995not rated43:05
Easton, SheenaNo StringsCD1993not rated46:12
Easton, SheenaTake My TimeCD1980not rated51:58
Easton, SheenaThe Best Of Sheena EastonCD1996not rated49:26
Easton, SheenaThe Lover In MeCD1988not rated49:53
Easton, SheenaWhat Comes NaturallyCD1991not rated48:57