Complete list of keithpettipas's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Seger, Bob & The Silver Bullet BandFace The PromiseCD2006not rated43:10
Seger, Bob & The Silver Bullet BandGreatest HitsCD1994not rated1:02:39
Seger, Bob & The Silver Bullet BandIt's A MysteryCD1995not rated49:55
Seger, Bob & The Silver Bullet BandLike A RockCD1986not rated43:53
Seger, Bob & The Silver Bullet BandStranger In TownCD1978not rated39:50
Seger, Bob & The Silver Bullet BandThe DistanceCD1982not rated41:24
Seger, Bob & The Silver Bullet BandThe Fire InsideCD1991not rated52:36
Seger, SheaThe May Street ProjectCD2001not rated42:38
Seger, The Bob.. SystemMongrelCD1970not rated33:42
Seger, The Bob.. SystemRamblin' Gamblin' ManCD1968not rated36:44
Selector, TheCelebrate The BulletCD1981not rated1:00:55
Self, RonnieBop-A-LenaCD1990not rated1:08:52
SensationBurger HabitCD1994not rated48:33
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheRock DrillCD1977not rated39:07
Sensational Alex Harvey Band, TheThe Penthouse TapesCD1976not rated38:18
Senseless ThingsThe First of Too ManyCD1991not rated43:47
SenserStacked UpCD1994not rated1:02:51
SeompiAwolCD1970not rated1:17:53
Seventh WavePsi-FiCD1975not rated46:25
Seventh WaveThings To ComeCD1974not rated36:32
SexSex (1970) / The End of My Life (1971)CD1971not rated1:14:23
Sex PistolsFilthy Lucre (Live)CD1996not rated53:36
Sex PistolsLive at Chelmsford Top Security PrisonCD1990not rated54:30
Sex PistolsNever Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex PistolsCD1977not rated38:48
Sex PistolsSex Pistols (Box Set)CD2002not rated3:40:40

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