Complete list of keithpettipas's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Plastic PennyCurrencyCD1969not rated42:41
Plastic PennyTwo Sides Of A PennyCD1968not rated39:08
Platinum BlondeSeven Year Itch : 1982 - 1989CDnot rated59:48
Plato and The PhilosophersThirteen O'Clock Flight To PsychedelphiaCD1998not rated1:03:26
PlayerPlayer (1977) / Danger Zone (1978)CD2001not rated1:19:55
Please1968/9CD1968not rated37:59
PlugDrum 'N' Bass For PapaCD1997not rated2:26:55
Plum NellyDeceptive LinesCD1971not rated42:03
PlusThe Seven Deadly SinsCD1970not rated34:27
PlutoPlutoCD1970not rated37:01
PocoA Good Feelin' To KnowCD1972not rated40:41
PocoBlue and GrayCD1981not rated37:24
PocoCantamosCD1974not rated36:42
PocoCowboys & EnglishmanCD1982not rated33:39
PocoCrazy EyesCD1973not rated37:56
PocoDeliverin'CD1971not rated39:19
PocoFrom The InsideCD1971not rated38:09
PocoGhost Town (1982) / Inamorata (1984)CD2001not rated1:14:00
PocoHead Over HeelsCD1975not rated36:29
PocoIndian SummerCD1977not rated40:52
PocoLegacyCD1989not rated43:39
PocoLegendCD1978not rated38:19
PocoPickin' Up The PiecesCD1969not rated43:14
PocoPocoCD1970not rated41:01
PocoRose of CimarronCD1976not rated36:00

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