Complete list of keithpettipas's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Merryweather & CareyVacuum CleanerCD1971not rated42:08
Merryweather, NeilMerryweatherCD1969not rated37:52
Merryweather, NeilSpace RangersCD1976not rated43:06
Merryweather, NeilWord of MouthCD1970not rated59:40
Merseys, TheA & B Sides, Rarities & More 1964 - 1968CD1995not rated1:10:39
MessiahTwenty First Century JesusCD1994not rated46:46
Messina, Jim"Messina"CD1981not rated36:44
Messina, JimOne More MileCD1983not rated38:35
Messina, JimWatching The River RunCD1996not rated45:31
MethuselahMatthew, Mark, Luke And JohnCD1969not rated38:08
MetroMetroCD1976not rated42:56
Mexico 70Imperial Comet HourCD1997not rated48:32
Mexico 70The Dust has Come to StayCD1994not rated49:56
MFSBThe Best Of MFSB- Love is the MessageCDnot rated1:16:50
Michael BloomfieldCruisin' For a Bruisin'CD1981not rated31:05
Michael BloomfieldEssential Blues 1964-1969CD1994not rated1:11:27
Michael BloomfieldLiving in the Fast LaneCD1980not rated36:19
Michael BloomfieldTry It Before You Buy ItCD1975not rated44:43
Michael, GeorgeFaithCD1987not rated58:06
Michael, GeorgeFive Live (with Lisa Stansfield & Queen)CD1993not rated28:49
Michael, GeorgeJesus To a Child (EP)CD1995not rated17:36
Michael, GeorgeLadies & Gentlemen - The Best of George MichaelCD1998not rated2:23:54
Michael, GeorgeListen Without PrejudiceCDnot rated48:17
Michael, GeorgeOlderCD1996not rated58:56
Michael, GeorgePatienceCD2004not rated1:03:14

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