Wild Butter
Wild Butter

Wild Butter - Wild Butter

  • Release date: 1970
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 34:27
  • not rated
  • Added March 2, 2011


1. Roxanna (Thank You for Getting Me High)not rated2:38
2. Terribly Blindnot rated3:30
3. From One Who Sang the Songnot rated2:38
4. Come Fly With Menot rated3:23
5. Oh Martha !not rated4:42
6. Never Comes the Daynot rated4:41
7. And We Loved Itnot rated2:34
8. I've Been Waiting For Younot rated3:08
9. Tommy the Catnot rated1:53
10. New York Mining Disaster (1941)not rated5:15

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