Mellow Candle
Swaddling Songs (Remastered)

Mellow Candle - Swaddling Songs (Remastered)

  • Release date: 1972
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 43:10
  • not rated
  • Added May 4, 2006


1. Heaven Heathnot rated3:03
2. Sheep Seasonnot rated5:00
3. Silver Songnot rated4:26
4. The Poet and The Witchnot rated2:51
5. Messenger Birdsnot rated3:43
6. Dan The Wingnot rated2:48
7. Reverend Sistersnot rated4:21
8. Break Your Tokennot rated2:30
9. Buy Or Bewarenot rated3:07
10. Vile Excessesnot rated3:16
11. Loney Mannot rated4:31
12. Boulders On My Gravenot rated3:29

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