Wilson, Tony
I like your Style

Wilson, Tony - I like your Style

  • Release date: 1976
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 38:13
  • not rated
  • Added July 8, 2006


1. I like your Stylenot rated3:05
2. New York City Lifenot rated5:44
3. The Politiciannot rated3:49
4. Anything that keepsyou satisfiednot rated3:08
5. What does it takenot rated4:12
6. I can't leave it alonenot rated3:25
7. Gotta make Love to younot rated3:35
8. Lovin you ain't the samenot rated3:58
9. Better of just loving younot rated3:47
10. Legal Papernot rated3:25

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