Complete list of katzz's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Boy Meets GirlFrom Now OnBoy Meets Girl4:50not rated1989
Boy Meets GirlI Wish You Were HereBoy Meets Girl3:38not rated1989
Boy Meets GirlIn Your EyesBoy Meets Girl4:10not rated1989
Boy Meets GirlKissing, Falling, FlyingBoy Meets Girl3:35not rated1989
Boy Meets GirlOh GirlBoy Meets Girl4:18not rated1989
Boy Meets GirlPiecesBoy Meets Girl4:09not rated1989
Boy Meets GirlPremonitionsBoy Meets Girl4:47not rated1989
Boy Meets GirlThe TouchBoy Meets Girl3:55not rated1989
Boz ScaggsAngel YouExpo 1985 (Budokan)5:13not rated1985
Boz ScaggsAngel YouMiddle Man3:42not rated1980
Boz ScaggsAsk Me 'bout Nothin' But The BluesGreatest Hits Live5:57not rated2004
Boz ScaggsBreakdown Dead AheadGreatest Hits Live5:52not rated2004
Boz ScaggsBreakdown Dead AheadExpo 1985 (Budokan)5:25not rated1985
Boz ScaggsBreakdown Dead AheadHits!4:35not rated2006
Boz ScaggsBreakdown Dead AheadMiddle Man4:38not rated1980
Boz ScaggsDinah FloExpo 1985 (Budokan)3:37not rated1985
Boz ScaggsDinah FloHits!3:04not rated2006
Boz ScaggsDo Like You Do In New YorkMiddle Man3:48not rated1980
Boz ScaggsGeorgiaSilk Degrees [Remastered]3:57not rated1976
Boz ScaggsGeorgiaExpo 1985 (Budokan)4:35not rated1985
Boz ScaggsGeorgiaSilk Degrees3:56not rated1976
Boz ScaggsGeorgiaGreatest Hits Live4:40not rated2004
Boz ScaggsHarbor LightsGreatest Hits Live7:45not rated2004
Boz ScaggsHarbor LightsSilk Degrees5:47not rated1976
Boz ScaggsHarbor LightsSilk Degrees [Remastered]6:00not rated1976

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