Complete list of katzz's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
WingsThe Long And Winding RoadWings Over America4:40not rated1977
WingsThe Lovely LindaWingspan0:45not rated2001
WingsThe Mess [Live]Red Rose Speedway4:52not rated1973
WingsThe Note You Never WroteWings at the Speed of Sound4:20not rated1976
WingsTime to HideWings at the Speed of Sound4:32not rated1976
WingsTime To HideWings Over America4:55not rated1977
WingsTo YouBack to the Egg3:12not rated1979
WingsTomorrowWild Life3:22not rated1971
WingsTomorrowWingspan3:27not rated2001
WingsToo Many PeopleWingspan4:12not rated2001
WingsTreat Her Gently - Lonely Old PeopleVenus And Mars4:23not rated1975
WingsTug Of WarWingspan4:04not rated2001
WingsUncle AlbertWings Greatest4:41not rated1978
WingsUncle Albert-Admiral HalseyWingspan4:51not rated2001
WingsVenus And MarsVenus And Mars1:19not rated1975
WingsVenus And Mars (Reprise)Venus And Mars2:06not rated1975
WingsVenus And Mars / Rock Show / JetWings Over America10:15not rated1977
WingsVenus And Mars/RockshowWingspan3:46not rated2001
WingsWalking in the Park with EloiseWings at the Speed of Sound3:10not rated1976
WingsWarm and BeautifulWings at the Speed of Sound3:21not rated1976
WingsWaterfallsWingspan3:24not rated2001
WingsWe're Open TonightBack to the Egg1:28not rated1979
WingsWhen The NightRed Rose Speedway3:34not rated1973
WingsWild LifeWild Life6:38not rated1971
WingsWino JunkoWings at the Speed of Sound5:21not rated1976

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