Complete list of katzz's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
Tears For FearsShoutTears Roll Down6:33not rated1992
Tears For FearsShout (U.S. Remix)Songs from the Big Chair8:03not rated1999
Tears For FearsSowing the Seeds of LoveGold6:17not rated2006
Tears For FearsSowing The Seeds Of LoveTears Roll Down6:20not rated1992
Tears For FearsThe Big ChairSongs from the Big Chair3:22not rated1999
Tears For FearsThe ConflictSongs from the Big Chair4:06not rated1999
Tears For FearsThe MaraudersSongs from the Big Chair4:16not rated1999
Tears For FearsThe Way You AreGold4:55not rated2006
Tears For FearsThe Working HourSongs from the Big Chair6:32not rated1999
Tears For FearsWho Killed TangerineGold5:32not rated2006
Tears For FearsWoman in ChainsGold6:30not rated2006
Tears For FearsWoman In ChainsTears Roll Down6:29not rated1992
TeazeAgainOn The Loose3:00not rated1978
TeazeBaby Why Can't YouTour Of Japan3:37not rated1999
TeazeBack In ActionOne Night Stands3:28not rated1979
TeazeBelieve In Rock'n RollTeaze3:04not rated1976
TeazeBoys Night OutTeaze4:24not rated1976
TeazeBoys Night OutOne Night Stands4:17not rated1979
TeazeBoys Night OutBody Shots4:16not rated1980
TeazeBoys' Nite OutTour Of Japan7:06not rated1999
TeazeCalling All NursesBody Shots3:08not rated1980
TeazeCome On Hold OnTour Of Japan4:33not rated1999
TeazeCome On, Hold OnTeaze4:14not rated1976
TeazeDirty Sweet LovingTeaze3:29not rated1976
TeazeFlames Keep GrowingTeaze4:52not rated1976

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