Complete list of katzz's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Released
ExodusPiranhaLet There Be Blood3:54not rated2008
ExodusPiranhaAnother Lesson In Violence5:42not rated1997
ExodusPleasures of the FleshPleasures Of The Flesh7:38not rated2008
ExodusPleasures of the FleshAnother Lesson In Violence8:15not rated1997
ExodusPump It UpForce Of Habit3:10not rated2008
ExodusPurge the WorldShovel Headed Kill Machine4:01not rated2005
ExodusRazeShovel Headed Kill Machine4:16not rated2005
ExodusRiot ActThe Atrocity Exhibition3:37not rated2007
ExodusScar Spangled BannerTempo Of The Damned6:41not rated2004
ExodusSealed with a FistTempo Of The Damned3:36not rated2004
ExodusSeeds of HatePleasures Of The Flesh4:58not rated2008
ExodusSeeds of HateAnother Lesson In Violence5:59not rated1997
ExodusShovel Headed Kill MachineShovel Headed Kill Machine2:55not rated2005
ExodusShroud of UrineTempo Of The Damned4:51not rated2004
ExodusShudder to ThinkShovel Headed Kill Machine4:48not rated2005
ExodusStrike of the BeastBonded By Blood4:00not rated1989
ExodusStrike of the BeastAnother Lesson In Violence9:19not rated1997
ExodusStrike of the BeastLet There Be Blood4:18not rated2008
ExodusTelepatheticForce Of Habit4:50not rated2008
ExodusTempo of the DamnedTempo Of The Damned4:20not rated2004
ExodusThe Atrocity ExhibitionThe Atrocity Exhibition10:33not rated2007
ExodusThe Ballad of Leonard and CharlesExhibit B - The Human Condition7:14not rated2010
ExodusThe Garden of BleedingThe Atrocity Exhibition5:49not rated2007
ExodusThe Last Act of DefianceFabulous Disaster4:44not rated1989
ExodusThe Lunatic ParadeImpact Is Imminent4:13not rated1990

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