The Mamas & The Papas
The Mamas & The Papas

The Mamas & The Papas - The Mamas & The Papas

  • Release date: 1966
  • Duration: 32:36
  • not rated
  • Added February 8, 2009


1. No Salt On Her Tailnot rated2:43
2. Trip Stumble And Fallnot rated2:41
3. Dancing Bearnot rated4:10
4. Words Of Lovenot rated2:15
5. My Heart Stood Stillnot rated1:43
6. Dancing In The Streetnot rated3:49
7. I Saw Her Againnot rated3:13
8. Strange Young Girlsnot rated2:55
9. I Can't Waitnot rated2:44
10. Even If I Couldnot rated2:43
11. That Kind Of Girlnot rated2:38
12. Once Was A Time I Thoughtnot rated1:02

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