The Tubes
The Completion Backward Principle

The Tubes - The Completion Backward Principle

  • Release date: 1981
  • Duration: 39:23
  • not rated
  • Added February 8, 2009


1. Talk to Ya Laternot rated4:43
2. Let's Make Some Noisenot rated3:26
3. Matter of Pridenot rated3:14
4. Mr. Hatenot rated3:53
5. Attack of the Fifty Foot Womannot rated4:31
6. Think About Menot rated3:18
7. Sushi Girlnot rated3:31
8. Don't Want to Wait Anymorenot rated4:18
9. Power Toolsnot rated4:03
10. Amnesianot rated4:26

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