Sebastian Bach
Angel Down

Sebastian Bach - Angel Down

  • Release date: 2007
  • Duration: 54:29
  • not rated
  • Added July 4, 2008


1. Angel Downnot rated3:48
2. You Don't Understandnot rated3:07
3. Back In The Saddle (Feat. Axl Rose)not rated4:19
4. (Love Is) A Bitchslap (Feat. Axl Rose)not rated3:08
5. Stuck Inside (Feat. Axl Rose)not rated2:57
6. American Metalheadnot rated4:02
7. Negative Lightnot rated4:33
8. Live & Dienot rated3:53
9. By Your Sidenot rated5:27
10. Our Love Is A Lienot rated3:20
11. Take You Down With Menot rated4:37
12. Stabbin' Daggersnot rated3:41
13. You Bring Me Downnot rated3:16
14. Falling Into Younot rated4:21

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