Complete list of justjazz's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Wayne ShorterInterludeAlegria1:49not ratedCD2003
Wayne ShorterJoanna's ThemeNative Dancer4:17not ratedCD1974
Wayne ShorterJujuJuju8:32not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterJuJuFootprints Live!10:39not ratedCD7/2001
Wayne ShorterKryptoniteSchizophrenia6:29not ratedCD3/10/1967
Wayne ShorterLiliaNative Dancer7:00not ratedCD1974
Wayne ShorterMahjongJuju7:43not ratedCD1964
Wayne ShorterMasqueleroFootprints Live!8:28not ratedCD7/2001
Wayne ShorterMephistophelesThe All Seeing Eye9:39not ratedCD10/15/1965
Wayne ShorterMiracle Of the FishesNative Dancer4:48not ratedCD1974
Wayne ShorterMiyakoSchizophrenia5:00not ratedCD3/10/1967
Wayne ShorterMoon of Manakoora (take 1)Wayning Moments4:47not ratedCD
Wayne ShorterMoon of Manakoora (take 2)Wayning Moments3:43not ratedCD
Wayne ShorterMore Than HumanSuper Nova6:12not ratedCD
Wayne ShorterNight DreamerNight Dreamer6:21not ratedCD4/29/1964
Wayne ShorterOrbitsAlegria6:09not ratedCD2003
Wayne ShorterOriental Folk SongNight Dreamer6:54not ratedCD4/29/1964
Wayne ShorterPenelopeEtcetera6:46not ratedCD6/14/1965
Wayne ShorterPlaygroundSchizophrenia6:22not ratedCD3/10/1967
Wayne ShorterPonta de AreiaNative Dancer5:08not ratedCD1974
Wayne ShorterPowder keg (take 1)Wayning Moments3:38not ratedCD
Wayne ShorterPowder Keg (take 5)Wayning Moments3:13not ratedCD
Wayne ShorterSacajaweaAlegria7:40not ratedCD2003
Wayne ShorterSanctuaryFootprints Live!5:31not ratedCD7/2001
Wayne ShorterSchizophreniaSchizophrenia6:50not ratedCD3/10/1967

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