Lester Young (12 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Lester Young1943-1947CDnot rated1:11:24
Lester YoungCompact Jazz: Lester Young & the Piano GiantsCDnot rated53:18
Lester YoungIn Washington D.C., 1956 - Volume 1CDnot rated40:44
Lester YoungIn Washington D.C., 1956 - Volume 2CDnot rated38:26
Lester YoungIn Washington D.C., 1956 - Volume 3CD1956not rated37:05
Lester YoungIn Washington D.C., 1956 - Volume 4CD1956not rated43:17
Lester YoungLos Angeles To New York 1944-1946CDnot rated49:47
Lester YoungThe "Kansas City" SessionsCD*****1:07:38
Lester YoungThe Complete Aladdin RecordingsCDnot rated2:04:52
Lester YoungThe Complete Lester YoungCDnot rated1:02:23
Lester YoungThe Jazz GiantsCD1/12/1956not rated42:31
Lester YoungWith The Oscar Peterson TrioCD1952not rated1:03:52