The Cure (36 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Cure4:13 DreamCD2008not rated52:49
The CureBestival Live 2011CD2011not rated2:20:50
The CureBloodflowersCD2000not rated58:07
The CureBoys Don't CryCD1980not rated33:38
The CureConcert: The Cure LiveCD1984not rated42:25
The CureDisintegrationCD1989not rated1:12:24
The CureDisintegrationCD1989not rated3:37:26
The CureDisintegrationCD1989not rated1:12:14
The CureEntreatCD1991not rated47:27
The CureFaithCD1981not rated36:55
The CureFaithCD2005not rated2:15:08
The CureGalore (The Singles 1987-1997)CD1997*** 1/21:12:55
The CureGreatest HitsCD2001not rated2:17:37
The CureJapanese WhispersCD1984not rated28:37
The CureJoin the Dots: B-Sides & Rarities, 1978-2001CD2004not rated4:55:41
The CureKiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss MeCD1987** 1/21:12:36
The CureKiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss MeCD1987not rated2:26:18
The CureMixed UpCD1990not rated1:13:02
The CureParisCD1993not rated57:39
The CurePornographyCD1982not rated43:18
The CurePornographyCD1982not rated2:37:41
The CureRarities 1977-1979CD2004not rated1:04:07
The CureRarities 1979-1980CD2005not rated51:27
The CureRarities 1981-1982CD2005not rated1:11:01
The CureSeventeen SecondsCD1980not rated1:28:16
The CureSeventeen SecondsCD1980not rated35:42
The CureSeventeen SecondsCD1980not rated35:40
The CureShow, DiscCD1993not rated1:28:42
The CureStaring At The Sea - The SinglesCD1986*** 1/21:01:58
The CureThe CureCD2004not rated59:17
The CureThe Head on the DoorCD1985not rated1:39:00
The CureThe TopCD1984not rated40:53
The CureThe TopCD1984not rated1:45:48
The CureThree Imaginary BoysCD1979not rated2:15:30
The CureWild Mood SwingsCD1996not rated1:01:36
The CureWishCD1992not rated1:06:20