Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The MoveShazamCD1970not rated56:41
The MoveThe MoveCD1968not rated1:18:09
The Mr. Albert ShowWarm MotorCD1971not rated59:28
the muffin menMufFinZCDnot rated1:00:02
The Muffins185CD1996not rated1:15:50
The MuffinsChronometersCD1993not rated1:12:25
The MuffinsManna - MirageCD1974not rated48:37
The MuffinzHave You HeardCD2012not rated1:01:11
The Mushroom River BandSimsalabimCD2002** 1/243:10
The MusicWelcome To The NorthCD2004** 1/223:13
The Mutton BirdsNatureCDnot rated55:30
The Mutton BirdsShe's been talkingCD1997* 1/211:46
The Naked ApesTeflon ManCD2004*40:08
The NarratorYouth City FireCD2004**18:57
The NarrowSelfconsciousCD2003not rated46:14
The NarrowTravellersCD2003not rated52:21
The NationalAlligatorCD2005not rated48:01
The NationalHigh VioletCD5/11/2010not rated47:40
The NationalHigh VioletCD2010not rated47:34
The NationalThe NationalCD7/3/2001not rated44:04
The NationalTrouble Will Find MeCD2013not rated55:23
The NecksSexCD1994****56:07
The NefilimZoonCD1996not rated53:24
The NeutronsBlack Hole Star and Tales from the Blue CocoonsCD1974not rated1:16:40
The NewHere Comes EverybodyCD2001**44:34

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