Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Felice BrothersTonight At The ArizonaCD2007not rated41:33
The Felice BrothersYonder Is The ClockCD2009not rated54:35
The FellowshipIn Elven LandsCD2006not rated1:02:58
The Fiery FurnacesBlueberry BoatCD2004not rated1:16:15
The Fire EnginesCODEX: Teenage PremonitionCD2005not rated37:43
The FiremanRushesCD1998not rated1:01:20
The Five Day Week Straw PeopleThe Five Day Week Straw PeopleCD2000not rated1:06:51
The Flaming LipsAt War With The MysticsCD2006***55:01
The Flaming LipsClouds Taste MetallicCD1995not rated47:31
The Flaming LipsFight Test EPCD2003not rated32:43
The Flaming LipsHear It IsCD1987not rated44:24
The Flaming LipsHit To Death In The Future HeadCD1992not rated37:34
The Flaming LipsIn a Priest Driven AmbulanceCD1990not rated46:44
The Flaming LipsOh My Gawd!!!CD1987not rated48:07
The Flaming LipsSoft BulletinCD1999not rated58:11
The Flaming LipsTelepathic SurgeryCD1989not rated1:04:32
The Flaming LipsThe Dark Side of the MoonCD2009not rated40:59
The Flaming LipsThe Flaming Lips and Heady FwendsCD2012not rated1:11:10
The Flaming LipsThe Soft BulletinCD1999not rated58:27
The Flaming LipsThe Terror (Deluxe)CD3/29/2013not rated2:07:23
The Flaming LipsTransmissions from the Satellite HeartCD1993not rated43:10
The Flaming LipsYoshimi Battles the Pink Robots [5.1]CD2003not rated47:27
The Flaming LipsYoshimi Battles The Pink RobotsCD2002not rated47:28
The Flaming LipsZaireekaCD1997not rated3:01:44
The Flower KingsAdam & EveCD2004*** 1/21:18:10

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