Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Stephen Malkmus & The JicksMirror TrafficCD8/23/2011not rated50:23
Stephen Malkmus & the JicksPig LibCD2003***47:35
Stephen Malkmus & The JicksReal Emotional TrashCD2008****55:09
Stephen StillsCarry OnCD2012not rated4:46:45
Stephen StillsIllegal StillsCD1976not rated35:34
Stephen StillsMan alive !CD2005not rated57:57
Stephen StillsManassasCD1972not rated1:12:16
Stephen StillsManassasCD1972not rated1:12:18
Stephen StillsStephen StillsCD1970not rated38:54
Stephen StillsStephen StillsCD1970not rated39:01
Stephen StillsStephen Stills 2CD1971not rated43:00
Stephen StillsStills AloneCD1991not rated35:48
SteppenwolfAt Your Birthday PartyCD1969not rated41:26
SteppenwolfBorn To Be Wild RetrospectiveCD1991*** 1/22:28:53
SteppenwolfFor Ladies OnlyCD1971not rated45:30
SteppenwolfHour Of The WolfCD1975not rated38:01
SteppenwolfMonsterCD1969not rated33:04
SteppenwolfParadoxCD1984not rated37:43
SteppenwolfRise & ShineCD1990not rated54:09
SteppenwolfRock & Roll RebelsCD1987not rated41:26
SteppenwolfSkullduggeryCD1976not rated34:27
SteppenwolfSlow FluxCD1974not rated45:09
SteppenwolfSteppenwolfCD1968not rated47:24
SteppenwolfSteppenwolf 7CD1970not rated40:23
SteppenwolfThe SecondCD1968not rated39:54

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