Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Serj TankianImperfect Harmonies Bonus DiskCD2010not rated26:49
Serj TankianImperfect Remixes (EP)CD2011not rated15:30
Serj TankianJazz-Iz-ChristCD2013not rated56:38
Serj TankianLie Lie Live [EP]CD2008not rated21:07
Serj TankianORCACD2012not rated34:20
Serj TankianSelected Music ScoresCD2008not rated33:45
Set Fire To FlamesTelegraphs In Negative / Mouths Trapped In StaticCD2003****1:28:15
Seven HorizonsSeven HorizonsCD5/4/2010not rated1:09:20
Seven Mary ThreeRockCrownCD1997not rated53:04
Seven Mary ThreeThe Economy of SoundCD2001** 1/240:10
Seven Side DiamondEnigmaCD6/7/2011not rated1:01:00
Seven Side DiamondEnigma - 2011CD2011not rated1:01:02
Seven Steps To The Green DoorStep In 2 My WorldCD2008not rated1:05:47
Seventh KeyI Will SurviveCD2013not rated51:33
Seventh KeyLive In AtlantaCD2005not rated1:19:20
Seventh KeySeventh KeyCD2001not rated53:58
Seventh KeyThe Raging FireCD2004not rated53:50
Seventh WaveThings To Come / Psi-FiCD1999not rated1:19:02
Seventh WonderBecomeCD2005not rated50:59
Seventh WonderGreat EscapeCD12/21/2010not rated1:07:59
Seventh WonderMercy FallsCD2008****1:14:06
Seventh WonderWaiting in the WingsCD9/18/2006not rated55:56
Sex PistolsKiss ThisCD1995not rated1:08:29
Sex PistolsLive In Trondheim July 21 1977CD1977not rated29:55

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