Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Progres 2Dialog s vesmirem (live)CD1980not rated1:19:57
Progres 2Treti Kniha DzungliCD1982not rated1:57:20
Project 86Drawing Black LinesCD2000not rated56:47
Project 86Truthless HeroesCD2002not rated55:33
ProngCleansingCD1994* 1/257:55
ProngRude AwakeningCD1996* 1/245:37
Propane PropaneIndigoCD2011not rated58:00
ProphecyIllusion Of TimeCD2010***1:19:27
ProspektThe Colourless SunriseCD2013not rated1:05:53
Protest the HeroA Calculated Use of SoundCD2003not rated20:50
Protest The HeroFortressCD2008not rated41:10
Protest the HeroGallop Meets the EarthCD2009not rated50:25
Protest the HeroKeziaCD2005not rated43:38
Protest The HeroSearch For The TruthCD2002not rated10:06
Protest The HeroSequoia Throne Remix - EPCDnot rated17:04
Protest The HeroVolitionCD2013not rated54:10
Proto-KawForthCD8/3/2011not rated1:01:27
Proto-KawThe Wait Of GloryCD2006not rated1:02:29
PrototypeCatalystCD2012not rated1:01:17
PrurientBlack VaseCD2005not rated1:12:31
PrymaryThe Enemy InsideCD8/2/2010not rated57:26
PsappThe Camel's BackCD2008not rated39:28
PsychicPsychicCD2012not rated42:22
Psychic For RadioStanding WaveCD2012not rated1:04:16
Psychic TVLive at Thee Berlin Wall (Part 2)CD1990***1:12:41

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