Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Michel Wintsch & Road MovieBetween The LinesCD1999***51:36
Michelle ShockedShort Sharp ShockedCD1988** 1/236:31
Mick CoxCompose YerselfCD1990not rated54:34
Mick HucknallAmerican SoulCD2012not rated37:28
Mick JaggerShe's The BossCD1985not rated43:08
Mick JaggerWandering SpiritCD1993not rated54:29
Mick JonesMick JonesCD1989not rated42:18
Mick KarnBestial ClusterCD1993***45:05
Mick KarnThe Collector's EditionCD1996** 1/259:56
Mick KarnThe Tooth MotherCD1995** 1/248:27
Mick KarnTitlesCD1982** 1/240:53
Mick TaylorMick TaylorCD1979not rated43:24
Mickey HartAt The EdgeCD1990not rated48:00
Mickey HartMickey Hart's Mystery BoxCD1996** 1/254:15
Mickey Newbury'Frisco Mabel JoyCD1971not rated44:11
Mickey NewburyA Long Road HomeCD2002not rated59:17
Mickey NewburyBlue to This DayCD2003not rated1:09:23
Mickey NewburyIn a New AgeCD1988not rated40:07
Mickey NewburyIt Might as Well be the MoonCD1999not rated1:07:23
Mickey NewburyLive in England, 1993CD1998not rated55:28
Mickey NewburyLIve in the MidwestCD1996not rated1:12:32
Mickey NewburyNights When I Am SaneCD1994not rated52:01
Mickey NewburyRusty TracksCD1977not rated31:21
Mickey NewburyStories from the Silver Moon CaféCD2000not rated55:25
Midge UrePureCD1991not rated50:12

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