Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
LeprousTall Poppy SyndromeCD5/5/2009*** 1/21:03:04
Les ClaypoolColonel Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie Brains - The Big Eyeball In The SkyCD9/21/2004not rated58:03
Les ClaypoolColonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade - Live Frogs (Set 1)CD2001****1:06:32
Les ClaypoolLes Claypool's Frog Brigade -Purple OnionCD2002not rated56:04
Les ClaypoolLes Claypool's Frog Brigade Live Frogs Set 2CD2001not rated43:06
Les ClaypoolOf Fungi And FoeCD2009not rated49:35
Les ClaypoolOf Whales and WoeCD2006not rated39:55
Les Claypool and the Holy MackerelHighball With the DevilCD1996***48:05
Les Claypool's Duo De TwangFour Foot ShackCD2014not rated56:25
Les DiscretsAriettes OublieesCD2012not rated51:54
Les DiscretsSeptembre Et Ses Dernieres PenseesCD2010not rated43:16
Les Rythmes DigitalesDarkdancerCD1999not rated53:42
Les Savy Fav3/5CD1999not rated32:32
Leslie WestStill ClimbingCD2013not rated41:53
Leslie WestUnusual SuspectsCD9/20/2011not rated47:23
Level 42The RemixesCD1992not rated1:17:16
LevellersLevelling the LandCD2007not rated1:57:56
LeviathanRiddles Questions Poetry & OutrageCD1996***53:54
Levin Torn WhiteLevin Torn WhiteCD9/29/2011not rated55:08
LevitationCoterieCD1991*** 1/246:42
Levon HelmDirt FarmerCD2007not rated51:36
Levon HelmThe Ties That Bind: The Best ofCD1999not rated1:17:10
LHBTell 'Em Who We AreCD2002not rated44:04
LiarsThey Were Wrong So We DrownedCD2004not rated40:41
LibidoKilling Some Dead TimeCD1997not rated49:00

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