Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
KaipaThe Decca Years 1975-1978 - CD 1 - KaipaCD1975not rated53:38
KaipaUnedited Master Demo Recording 1974CD2005not rated49:26
KaipaVittjarCD2012not rated1:09:00
Kaiser ChiefsEmploymentCD2005not rated44:18
Kaiser ChiefsOff With Their HeadsCD2008not rated51:21
Kaiser ChiefsThe Future Is MedievalCD2011not rated1:00:03
Kaiser ChiefsYours Truly, Angry MobCD2007not rated52:28
KalevalaWitchCD11/13/2010not rated48:00
KamelotDominionCD1997not rated46:38
KamelotEpica (Limited Edition)CD2003not rated56:36
KamelotEternityCD1995not rated51:20
KamelotGhost OperaCD2007**** 1/247:36
KamelotGhost Opera (Limited Edition)CD2007not rated47:59
KamelotGhost Opera, The Second ComingCD2008*** 1/257:42
KamelotKarma (Japanese Edition)CD2001not rated53:37
KamelotMyths & Legends Of Kamelot [Compilation]CD2007not rated58:06
KamelotOne Cold Winter's NightCD2006not rated1:30:44
KamelotPoetry for the PoisonedCD9/14/2010***57:57
KamelotSiege PerilousCD1998not rated50:35
KamelotThe Black HaloCD2005*** 1/21:04:35
KamelotThe Black Halo (Limited Edition)CD2005not rated1:04:29
KamelotThe Expedition (Live)CD2000not rated1:00:57
KamelotThe Fourth LegacyCD1999not rated48:19
KansasKansasCD1974*** 1/254:46

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