Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Joan ArmatradingClassic Joan ArmatradingCD2001not rated53:26
Joan ArmatradingJoan ArmatradingCD1976not rated41:50
Joan As Police WomanThe ClassicCDnot rated52:16
Joan BaezJoan Baez [The Debut Album Plus]CD1960not rated1:12:10
Joanna NewsomHave One on MeCD3/1/2010***2:04:10
Joanna NewsomThe Milk-eyed MenderCD2004not rated52:11
Joanna NewsomThe Milk-Eyed MenderCD2004not rated52:32
Joanna NewsomYsCD2006not rated55:41
Jody GrindFar CanalCD1970not rated48:26
Joe BonamassaA New Day YesterdayCD2001****1:01:49
Joe BonamassaA New Day Yesterday LiveCD2004**** 1/21:11:01
Joe BonamassaAn Acoustic Evening at The Vienna Opera HouseCD2013not rated1:41:02
Joe BonamassaAt BBC Maida Vale StudioCD2008not rated56:25
Joe BonamassaB.B. King's Blues ClubCD2007not rated1:48:05
Joe BonamassaBeacon Theatre: Live From New YorkCD2012not rated2:09:53
Joe BonamassaBlack RockCD3/23/2010****53:15
Joe BonamassaBloodineCD1994not rated57:58
Joe BonamassaBlues DeluxeCD2004****51:26
Joe BonamassaBluesmore FestivalCD2004not rated1:42:06
Joe BonamassaDriving Towards The DaylightCD5/22/2012not rated56:27
Joe BonamassaDust BowlCD3/22/2011*** 1/21:02:53
Joe BonamassaHad To Cry TodayCD2004not rated46:29
Joe BonamassaImac Theatre,Huntington,NYCD2007not rated1:38:39
Joe BonamassaLive 2004CD2004not rated1:48:09
Joe BonamassaLive at Inter Media Arts CenterCD2005not rated50:05

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