Complete list of johnnyd's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Godspeed You! Black EmperorSplit (aMAZEzine! #4)CD1999**** 1/211:44
Godspeed You! Black EmperorYanqui U.X.O.CD2002**** 1/21:14:58
Godspeed You! Black EmperorYanqui U.X.O.CD2002not rated1:15:01
GodsticksThe Envisage ConundrumCD2013not rated58:53
Gogol BordelloEast InfectionCD2005not rated21:51
Gogol BordelloGypsy Punks: Underdog World StrikeCD8/9/2005*** 1/21:03:37
Gogol BordelloLive from Axis MundiCD2008not rated57:11
Gogol BordelloMulti Kontra Culti Vs IronyCD2002not rated51:56
Gogol BordelloSuper Taranta!CD2007not rated1:05:22
Gogol BordelloTrans-Continental HustleCD4/27/2010*** 1/253:53
Gogol BordelloVoi-La IntruderCD1999not rated57:11
GojiraFrom Mars To SiriusCD9/27/2005not rated1:05:52
GojiraL'Enfant SauvageCD2012not rated52:24
GojiraTerra IncognitaCD2001not rated1:17:25
Golden Earring2nd Live CD 1CD1981not rated35:16
Golden Earring2nd Live CD 2CD1981not rated38:10
Golden EarringBloody BuccaneersCD1991*** 1/244:04
Golden EarringComplete Singles Collection 1965-1974CD1992not rated1:20:33
Golden EarringComplete Singles Collection 1975-1991CD1992not rated1:20:02
Golden EarringContrabandCD1/8/1976not rated38:08
Golden EarringCutCD1982***38:37
Golden EarringEight Miles HighCD1969****37:55
Golden EarringFace ItCD1994not rated43:53
Golden EarringFace ItCD1994not rated43:59
Golden EarringFully NakedCD2000not rated2:07:14

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