The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Amazing Grace

The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards - Amazing Grace

  • Release date: 1998
  • Genre: Celtic
  • Format: CD
  • Category: folk
  • Duration: 1:00:45
  • not rated
  • Added June 7, 2013


1. Amazing Gracenot rated3:23
2. Scotland the Bravenot rated0:48
3. Pipe Band Medleynot rated7:18
4. Highland Laddienot rated0:48
5. Earl of Mansfieldnot rated0:48
6. Medleynot rated4:55
7. Scottish Waltznot rated3:49
8. The Dark Islandnot rated2:44
9. The Day is Endednot rated2:32
10. Campbelltown Lochnot rated1:24
11. Going Homenot rated2:43
12. Belmontnot rated2:39
13. Abide with Menot rated1:10
14. Scottish Soldiernot rated1:58
15. Medley (Marches)not rated4:28
16. Drum Salutenot rated2:04
17. Medley (Trot & Canter)not rated1:23
18. Medley (Slow March & Walk)not rated2:06
19. Russian Imperial Anthemnot rated1:01
20. Heykens' Serenade (Standchen)not rated2:18
21. Jubilantnot rated0:38
22. Reveillenot rated0:35
23. Cornet Carillonnot rated3:04
24. The Road to the Islesnot rated2:35
25. The Little Drummer Boynot rated3:22

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