King's X

King's X - XV

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: Progressive Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 54:01
  • not rated
  • Added July 4, 2013


1. Praynot rated4:15
2. Bluenot rated4:25
3. Repeating Myselfnot rated4:10
4. Rocket Shipnot rated2:44
5. Julienot rated2:41
6. Alrightnot rated2:59
7. Freenot rated3:56
8. I Just Want to Livenot rated4:21
9. Movenot rated4:02
10. I Don't Knownot rated3:32
11. Stucknot rated3:56
12. Go Tell Somebodynot rated3:17
13. Love and Rockets (Hell's Screaming)not rated4:23
14. No Lienot rated5:20

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