The Electric Hellfire Club
Unholy Roller

The Electric Hellfire Club - Unholy Roller

  • Release date: 1998
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 44:44
  • *** 1/2
  • Added April 28, 2007
  • Rated May 5, 2007


1. Unholy Rollernot rated3:47
2. He Who Holds the Lightning Rod (Ranchero Remix)not rated4:26
3. Prince of Darkness (Black Version)not rated4:22
4. Hellfire (Cykophuk Remix)not rated5:39
5. Prince of Darkness (Mutated Mix)not rated4:16
6. The Root of All Evil (Bring Me the Head of Bob Larsen)not rated5:00
7. Prince of Darkness (Laughing All the Way Remix)not rated2:52
8. Shout at the Devilnot rated3:02
9. Prince of Darkness (Darkest Version)not rated5:27
10. Book of Lies (Ether-eal Mix)not rated5:49

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