The Fatal Flowers
Pleasure Ground

The Fatal Flowers - Pleasure Ground

  • Release date: 1990
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 44:38
  • ** 1/2
  • Added January 15, 2007
  • Rated April 27, 2009


1. How Many Yearsnot rated4:15
2. Some Daynot rated3:19
3. Funky Streetnot rated2:46
4. Better Timesnot rated5:14
5. Pleasure Groundnot rated4:12
6. A Real Good Lifenot rated2:45
7. She's Doin' Finenot rated3:12
8. Burningnot rated3:43
9. Rage Outnot rated3:59
10. Speed Of Lifenot rated5:20
11. Both Ends Burningnot rated5:47

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