The Pigeon Detectives

The Pigeon Detectives - Emergency

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: Indie
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 41:33
  • not rated
  • Added January 16, 2010


1. This is an emergencynot rated3:10
2. I'm Not Gonna Take Thisnot rated2:43
3. Keep on your dressnot rated4:51
4. Don't you wanna find outnot rated2:43
5. I'll be waitingnot rated3:18
6. She's gonenot rated2:07
7. Nothing to do with younot rated1:49
8. I'm a liarnot rated3:16
9. You don't need itnot rated2:47
10. Say it like you mean itnot rated2:43
11. Love you for a day (hate you for a week)not rated3:22
12. Making up numbersnot rated3:26
13. Everybody wants menot rated5:12

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