The Court And Spark

The Court And Spark - Hearts

  • Release date: 2006
  • Genre: Americana
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 47:06
  • *** 1/2
  • Added August 30, 2008
  • Rated August 30, 2008


1. Let's get highnot rated4:37
2. We were all uptown rulersnot rated4:33
3. Birmingham to Blackhorse Road we wanderednot rated3:40
4. The oyster is a wealthy beastnot rated3:12
5. Capaldinot rated5:59
6. A milk white flagnot rated2:03
7. Berlinersnot rated4:34
8. Smoke signalsnot rated2:54
9. Your mother was the lightningnot rated3:26
10. High lifenot rated4:57
11. Gatesnakesnot rated1:56
12. The ballad of Horselover Fatnot rated5:10

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