The 5th Dimension (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The 5th Dimension(1973) Living Together, Growing TogetherMP31973not rated38:59
The 5th DimensionEarthboundMP31975not rated36:21
The 5th DimensionHigh On SunshineMP31978not rated36:03
The 5th DimensionIndividually & CollectivelyMP31972not rated38:38
The 5th DimensionLove’s Lines, Angles And RhymesMP31971not rated35:37
The 5th DimensionPortraitMP31970not rated38:31
The 5th DimensionSoul & InspirationMP31974not rated35:17
The 5th DimensionStar DancingMP31978not rated35:38
The 5th DimensionStoned Soul PicnicMP31968not rated36:23
The 5th DimensionThe Age Of AquariusMP31969not rated40:52
The 5th DimensionThe Complete Soul City/Bell Singles 1966-1975MP32016not rated2:26:07
The 5th DimensionThe Magic GardenMP31967not rated35:30
The 5th DimensionUp, Up and AwayMP31967not rated40:04