Prefab Sprout (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Prefab Sprout(1985) Steve McQueen (US Version Album Two Wheels Good)MP31985not rated56:24
Prefab Sprout(2009) Let's Change The World With MusicMP32009not rated46:35
Prefab Sprout38 Carat CollectionMP31999not rated2:34:49
Prefab SproutAndromeda HeightsMP31997not rated47:07
Prefab SproutCrimson/redMP32013not rated40:48
Prefab SproutFrom Langley Park To MemphisMP31988not rated45:27
Prefab SproutI Trawl The MegahertzMP32019not rated53:53
Prefab SproutJordan: The ComebackMP31990not rated1:04:10
Prefab SproutProtest SongsMP31989not rated42:08
Prefab SproutSteve McQueenMP31994not rated45:23
Prefab SproutSteve McQueen (Legacy Edition)MP32007not rated1:20:05
Prefab SproutSwoonMP31984not rated40:44
Prefab SproutThe Gunman And Other StoriesMP32001not rated43:23