Complete list of johnfoliot's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Pat TraversPT=MC2MP32005not rated53:42
Pat TraversPutting It StraightMP31977not rated36:36
Pat TraversRadio ActiveMP31981not rated35:43
Pat TraversRetro RocketMP32015not rated51:43
Pat TraversSwing!MP32019not rated30:52
Pat TraversThe Art Of Time TravelMP32022not rated47:52
Pat TraversThe Very Best OfMP32009not rated1:30:01
Pat TraversTravelin' BluesMP32009not rated1:01:25
Pat Travers And Carmine AppiceBazookaMP32005not rated51:59
Pat Travers And Carmine AppiceIt Takes A Lot Of BallsMP32004not rated58:25
Pat Travers And Carmine AppiceThe Balls AlbumMP32016not rated1:08:10
Pat Travers BandCan DoMP32013not rated55:06
Pat Travers BandCrash And BurnMP31980not rated39:05
Pat Travers BandFidelisMP32010not rated52:32
Pat Travers BandHeat In The StreetMP31978not rated36:05
Pat Travers BandLive - Go For What You KnowMP31979not rated41:37
Pat Travers BandSchool Of Hard KnocksMP31990not rated55:15
Patsy ClineLive at The Cimmaron Ballroom, Tulsa, OKMP31961not rated40:31
Patsy ClineThe Patsy Cline CollectionMP31997not rated49:30
Patti La Belle And The Blue BellesChristmass with Patti La Belle And The Blue BellesMP31991not rated23:45
Patty LovelessBluegrass & White SnowMP32002not rated39:53
Paul ButterfieldLegendary Paul Butterfield Rides AgainMP31986not rated36:05
Paul ButterfieldNorth SouthMP32006not rated35:04
Paul ButterfieldPut It In Your EarMP32006not rated35:34
Paul Butterfield's Better DaysBetter DaysMP31973not rated37:11

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