Complete list of johnfoliot's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
John MellencampLife, Death, Love And FreedomMP32008not rated49:07
John MellencampMr. Happy Go LuckyMP31996not rated51:05
John MellencampNo Better Than ThisMP32010not rated53:43
John MellencampOther People's StuffMP32018not rated34:16
John MellencampPlain SpokenMP32014not rated43:41
John MellencampRough HarvestMP31999not rated52:20
John MellencampSad Clowns And HillbilliesMP32017not rated46:50
John MellencampTrouble No MoreMP32003not rated46:27
John MellencampWhenever We WantedMP31991not rated45:10
John O'Leary BandTwo For The ShowMP32011not rated2:01:19
John OatesMississippi MileMP32011not rated47:16
John Paul YoungHeaven SentMP31979not rated39:36
John Paul YoungHeroMP31975not rated41:58
John Paul YoungJPYMP31976not rated40:48
John Paul YoungLove Is In The AirMP31978not rated37:33
John Paul YoungYesterday's HeroMP31992not rated1:04:19
John PopperZygoteMP31999not rated1:01:37
John SebastianFaithful Virtue: The Reprise RecordingsMP32001not rated3:53:00
John The RevelatorWild BluesMP31970not rated57:13
John Vosel & the NutcrackersBlue ChristmasMP32011not rated55:03
Johnnie Bassett and The Blues InsurgentsCadillac BluesMP31998not rated57:28
Johnnie RayThe Best Of Johnnie RayMP31996not rated1:02:17
Johnnie TaylorA New DayMP31980not rated39:10
Johnnie TaylorCrazy 'Bout YouMP31989not rated37:49
Johnnie TaylorEargasmMP31976not rated35:18

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