Complete list of johnfoliot's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Gregory IsaacsSoon ForwardMP31979not rated37:29
Gregory IsaacsThe Sensational Gregory IsaacsMP31983not rated42:40
Greta Van FleetAnthem Of The Peaceful ArmyMP32018not rated49:33
Greta Van FleetBlack Smoke RisingMP32017not rated16:30
Greta Van FleetChampagne And CaviarMP32019not rated1:19:08
Greta Van FleetFrom The FiresMP32017not rated31:58
Greta Van FleetThe Battle At Garden's GateMP32021not rated1:14:48
Grover Washington, Jr.Inner City BluesMP31972not rated35:16
Guitar ShortyBare KnuckleMP32010not rated49:49
Guitar ShortyBillie Jean BluesMP31996not rated59:22
Guitar ShortyGet Wise To YourselfMP31996not rated55:45
Guitar ShortyGuitar Shorty's On A MissionMP32001not rated57:26
Guitar ShortyHow Blue Can You GetMP32010not rated1:00:19
Guitar ShortyRoll Over BabyMP31998not rated55:32
Guitar ShortyThe 1950's RecordingsMP31959not rated20:24
Guitar ShortyThe Alligator Records YearsMP32013not rated1:08:05
Guitar ShortyThe Blues Is All RightMP31996not rated1:09:16
Guitar ShortyTopsy TurvyMP31993not rated50:11
Guitar ShortyWatch Your BackMP32004not rated1:36:29
Guitar ShortyWe The PeopleMP32006not rated50:21
Guitar Shorty (John Henry Fortescue)Alone In His FieldMP31993not rated54:28
Guitar Shorty And The Otis Grand Blues BandMy Way Or The HighwayMP31999not rated51:29
Guitar Slim And Jelly Belly"Carolina Blues" - New York City 1944MP31944not rated1:17:25
Guitar Slim Green (With Johnny & Shuggie Otis)Stone Down BluesMP31970not rated28:38
Guitars, Inc.Guitars At ChristmasMP31959not rated32:10

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