Complete list of johnfoliot's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Good Rockin' CharlesGood Rockin' CharlesMP31975not rated36:00
Gordon JayExtremely Dangerous BluesMP32001not rated52:08
Gordon LightfootA Painter Passing ThroughMP31998not rated37:51
Gordon LightfootBack Here on EarthMP31968not rated36:06
Gordon LightfootBack Here On EarthMP31968not rated35:50
Gordon LightfootCold On The ShoulderMP31975not rated43:36
Gordon LightfootDid She Mention My Name?MP3not rated37:36
Gordon LightfootDon QuixoteMP31972not rated41:44
Gordon LightfootDream Street RoseMP31980not rated32:56
Gordon LightfootEast of MidnightMP31989not rated38:18
Gordon LightfootEndless WireMP31978not rated35:58
Gordon LightfootHarmonyMP32004not rated40:31
Gordon LightfootIf You Could Read My MindMP31970not rated37:11
Gordon LightfootLightfoot!MP31966not rated38:56
Gordon LightfootLive In RenoMP32003not rated1:26:32
Gordon LightfootOld Dan's RecordsMP31972not rated33:35
Gordon LightfootSaluteMP31983not rated36:19
Gordon LightfootShadowsMP31982not rated37:24
Gordon LightfootSoloMP32020not rated33:46
Gordon LightfootSummer Side Of LifeMP31971not rated38:47
Gordon LightfootSummertime DreamMP31976not rated37:55
Gordon LightfootSunday ConcertMP31969not rated40:26
Gordon LightfootSundownMP31974not rated36:28
Gordon LightfootThe United Artists CollectionMP31993not rated2:00:28
Gordon LightfootThe Way I FeelMP31967not rated38:29

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