Complete list of johnfoliot's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Eric Clapton24 NightsMP31991not rated1:45:18
Eric Clapton461 Ocean BoulevardMP31974not rated43:35
Eric ClaptonAnother TicketMP31981not rated38:43
Eric ClaptonAugustMP31986not rated55:51
Eric ClaptonBack HomeMP32005not rated1:00:14
Eric ClaptonBacklessMP31978not rated40:11
Eric ClaptonBehind The SunMP31985not rated50:15
Eric ClaptonClaptonMP32010not rated1:06:10
Eric ClaptonCrossroadsMP31988not rated1:14:31
Eric ClaptonE.C. Was HereMP31975not rated46:37
Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonMP31970not rated36:52
Eric ClaptonFrom The CradleMP31994not rated1:00:14
Eric ClaptonHappy XmasMP32018not rated1:03:09
Eric ClaptonI Still DoMP32016not rated58:05
Eric ClaptonJourneymanMP31989not rated56:57
Eric ClaptonMe And Mr JohnsonMP32004not rated49:34
Eric ClaptonMoney And CigarettesMP31983not rated37:27
Eric ClaptonNo Reason To CryMP31976not rated46:04
Eric ClaptonNothing But The Blues (Live)MP32022not rated1:16:07
Eric ClaptonOld SockMP32013not rated53:44
Eric ClaptonPilgrimMP31998not rated1:19:10
Eric ClaptonReptileMP32001not rated1:03:53
Eric ClaptonSessions For Robert JMP32004not rated43:10
Eric ClaptonSlow HandMP31977not rated38:18
Eric ClaptonThe Lady In The Balcony: Lockdown SessionsMP32021not rated1:12:28

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