The Who
(1969) Tommy

The Who - (1969) Tommy

  • Release date: 1969
  • Genre: Pop / Rock
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 4:39:01
  • not rated
  • Added December 11, 2024


1. Overture / It's A Boynot rated6:02
2. Overturenot rated5:20
3. It's A Boynot rated0:38
4. You Didn't Hear Itnot rated2:49
5. 1921not rated2:49
6. Amazing Journey / Sparksnot rated7:09
7. Amazing Journeynot rated5:04
8. Eyesight To The Blindnot rated2:14
9. Christmasnot rated4:35
10. Sparksnot rated2:05
11. Cousin Kevinnot rated4:06
12. Eyesight To The Blindnot rated2:13
13. Christmasnot rated4:34
14. The Acid Queennot rated3:34
15. Cousin Kevinnot rated4:06
16. Underturenot rated10:05
17. Do You Think It's Alright / Fiddle Aboutnot rated1:54
18. The Acid Queennot rated3:34
19. Pinball Wizardnot rated3:00
20. Underturenot rated10:04
21. Do You Think It's Alrightnot rated0:24
22. There's A Doctor I've Foundnot rated0:23
23. Fiddle Aboutnot rated1:31
24. Go To The Mirror Boynot rated3:48
25. Pinball Wizardnot rated3:00
26. Tommy Can You Hear Menot rated1:35
27. Smash The Mirrornot rated1:38
28. There's A Doctornot rated0:23
29. Go To The Mirrornot rated3:47
30. Sensationnot rated2:26
31. Miracle Curenot rated0:12
32. Tommy Can You Hear Menot rated1:35
33. Sally Simpsonnot rated4:11
34. Smash The Mirrornot rated1:34
35. I'm Freenot rated2:39
36. Sensationnot rated2:28
37. Miracle Curenot rated0:12
38. Welcomenot rated4:32
39. Sally Simpsonnot rated4:10
40. Tommy's Holiday Campnot rated0:57
41. I'm Freenot rated2:39
42. We're Not Gonna Take Itnot rated7:06
43. Welcomenot rated4:32
44. Tommy's Holiday Campnot rated0:57
45. We're Not Gonna Take Itnot rated7:06
46. Overture (Including Introduction) (Live In Canada 1969)not rated7:00
47. It's A Boy (Live In Canada 1969)not rated0:39
48. 1921 (Live In Canada 1969)not rated2:28
49. Amazing Journey (Live In Canada 1969)not rated5:07
50. Sparks (Live In Canada 1969)not rated2:49
51. The Hawker (Eyesight To The Blind) (Live In Canada 1969)not rated1:54
52. Christmas (Live In Canada 1969)not rated3:11
53. The Acid Queen (Live In Canada 1969)not rated3:30
54. Pinball Wizard (Live In Canada 1969)not rated2:47
55. Do You Think It's Alright? (Live In Canada 1969)not rated0:21
56. Fiddle About (Live In Canada 1969)not rated1:12
57. Tommy, Can You Hear Me? (Live In Canada / 1969)not rated0:55
58. There's A Doctor (Live In Canada 1969)not rated0:24
59. Go To The Mirror! (Live In Canada 1969)not rated3:22
60. Smash The Mirror (Live In Canada 1969)not rated1:10
61. Miracle Cure (Live In Canada 1969)not rated0:12
62. Sally Simpson (Live In Canada 1969)not rated4:01
63. I'm Free (Live In Canada 1969)not rated2:12
64. Tommy's Holiday Camp (Live In Canada 1969)not rated0:48
65. We're Not Gonna Take It (Live In Canada 1969)not rated3:28
66. See Me, Feel Me / Listening To You (Live In Canada 1969)not rated7:51
67. Overture (Demo)not rated4:05
68. It's A Boy (Demo)not rated0:41
69. 1921 (Demo)not rated3:12
70. Amazing Journey (Demo)not rated4:47
71. Dream One (Demo)not rated3:08
72. Sparks (Demo)not rated7:39
73. The Hawker (Eyesight To The Blind) (Demo)not rated4:46
74. Christmas (Demo)not rated4:39
75. The Acid Queen (Demo)not rated3:34
76. Underture (Dream Two) (Demo)not rated1:48
77. Do You Think It's Alright? (Demo)not rated0:25
78. Pinball Wizard (Demo)not rated3:42
79. There's A Doctor (Demo)not rated0:23
80. Go To The Mirror! (Demo)not rated4:33
81. Success (Demo)not rated0:09
82. Tommy, Can You Hear Me? (Demo)not rated1:15
83. Smash The Mirror (Demo)not rated1:33
84. Sensation (Demo)not rated2:47
85. Miracle Cure (Demo)not rated0:10
86. Sally Simpson (Demo)not rated4:50
87. I'm Free (Demo)not rated2:28
88. Welcome (Demo)not rated3:25
89. We're Not Gonna Take It (Demo)not rated5:04
90. Trying To Get Through (Demo)not rated2:10
91. Young Man Bluesnot rated2:47

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