Various artists
(1977) George Thorogood and the Destroyers

Various artists - (1977) George Thorogood and the Destroyers

  • Release date: 1977
  • Genre: Rock / Bues
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 47:09
  • not rated
  • Added December 11, 2024


1. George Thorogood & The Destroy - You Got To Losenot rated3:22
2. George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Madison Bluesnot rated4:33
3. George Thorogood & The Destroyers - One Bourbon,One Scotch,One Beernot rated8:30
4. George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Kind Hearted Womannot rated4:25
5. George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Can´t Stop Lovin'not rated3:11
6. George Thorogood & The Destroy - Ride On Josephinenot rated4:26
7. George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Homesick Boynot rated3:13
8. George Thorogood & The Destroy - John Hardynot rated3:29
9. George Thorogood & The Destroyers - I´ll Change My Stylenot rated4:06
10. George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Delaware Slidenot rated7:54

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