Complete list of joerund's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
John ColtraneLocomotionBlue Train (180 g vinyl)not ratedLP1958
John ColtraneMoment's NoticeBlue Train (180 g vinyl)not ratedLP1958
John ColtraneMr. P.C.Giant Steps (180g vinyl)not ratedLP1960
John ColtraneNaimaGiant Steps (180g vinyl)not ratedLP1960
John ColtranePursuance/Part 4 - PsalmA Love Supreme17:50not ratedCD1964
John ColtraneResolutionA Love Supreme7:25not ratedCD1964
John ColtraneSpiralGiant Steps (180g vinyl)not ratedLP1960
John ColtraneSyeeda's Song FluteGiant Steps (180g vinyl)not ratedLP1960
John FogertyA Hundred And Ten In The ShadeBlue Moon Swamp4:18not ratedCD1997
John FogertyBad Bad BoyBlue Moon Swamp4:26not ratedCD1997
John FogertyBlue Moon NightsBlue Moon Swamp2:33not ratedCD1997
John FogertyBlueboyBlue Moon Swamp4:04not ratedCD1997
John FogertyBring It Down To Jelly RollBlue Moon Swamp2:37not ratedCD1997
John FogertyHot Rod HeartBlue Moon Swamp3:26not ratedCD1997
John FogertyJoy Of My LifeBlue Moon Swamp3:52not ratedCD1997
John FogertyRambunctious BoysBlue Moon Swamp3:51not ratedCD1997
John FogertyRattlesnake HighwayBlue Moon Swamp4:17not ratedCD1997
John FogertySouthern StreamlineBlue Moon Swamp3:57not ratedCD1997
John FogertySwamp River DaysBlue Moon Swamp3:36not ratedCD1997
John FogertyWalking In A HurricaneBlue Moon Swamp3:41not ratedCD1997
John Grant(I Wanna Go To) MarzQueen Of Denmark3:58not ratedCD2010
John GrantBlack Belt - Gluteus Maximus remixPale Green Ghosts8:24not ratedCD2013
John GrantBlack Belt - Hercules and Love Affair remixPale Green Ghosts7:48not ratedCD2013
John GrantBlackbeltPale Green Ghosts4:18not ratedCD2013
John GrantCaramelQueen Of Denmark3:35not ratedCD2010

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