Johnny Cash
American III; Solitary man

Johnny Cash - American III; Solitary man

  • Release date: 2000
  • Genre: Country
  • Format: CD
  • Category: country
  • Duration: 42:15
  • not rated
  • Added February 18, 2010


1. I won't back downnot rated2:09
2. Solitary mannot rated2:25
3. That lucky old sun (just rolls around heaven all day)not rated2:35
4. Onenot rated3:53
5. Nobodynot rated3:14
6. I see a darknessnot rated3:42
7. The mercy seatnot rated4:35
8. Would you lay with me (in a field of stone)not rated2:41
9. Field of diamondsnot rated3:15
10. Before my timenot rated2:55
11. Country trashnot rated1:47
12. Mary of the wild moornot rated2:32
13. I'm leavin' nownot rated3:07
14. Wayfaring strangernot rated3:19

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