Complete list of joebugs's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Brenda HollowayEvery Little Bit HurtsThe Motown Story Volume 1: The 1960's3:38not rated2CD2003
Brenda LeeI'm SorryNOW The 60s Girls: Then He Kissed Me2:40not rated4CD2021
Brendan BensonWhatOnly Love Can Break Your Heart3:36not ratedCD2003
Brenton WoodGimme Little SignThe Sixties Album: 75 Smash Hit Singles From The Swinging 60s2:15not rated3CD9/27/2004
Brewer & ShipleyAll Along The WatchtowerReal Folk3:19not rated3CD2003
Brewer & ShipleyAll Along The WatchtowerGet Together: The Colourful Sound Of The Sixties3:18not rated3CD2015
Brewer & ShipleyWitchi-Tai-ToReal Folk6:59not rated3CD2003
Brian EnoChest Of DrawersHere Is What Is0:24not ratedCD2008
Brian Jones{Brian Jones' Introduction of Julius Katchen}The Rolling Stones Rock And Roll Circus0:19not rated2CD2019
Brian Keith & Victor BroxThis Jesus Must DieJesus Christ Superstar <2012 Remastered Edition>3:34not rated2CD7/16/2012
Brian MayDriven By YouGreatest Hits I II & III: The Platinum Collection4:09not rated3CD2000
Brian MayF.B.I.Twang! A Tribute To Hank Marvin & The Shadows3:13not ratedCD1996
Brian Wilson'S WonderfulReimagines Gershwin2:48not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonI Got Plenty O' Nuttin'Reimagines Gershwin2:44not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonI Got RhythmReimagines Gershwin2:42not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonI Loves You PorgyReimagines Gershwin3:37not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonI've Got A Crush On YouReimagines Gershwin2:41not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonIt Ain't Necessarily SoReimagines Gershwin3:57not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonLove Is Here To StayReimagines Gershwin2:58not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonNothing But LoveReimagines Gershwin3:24not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonRhapsody In Blue/IntroReimagines Gershwin1:07not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonRhapsody In Blue/RepriseReimagines Gershwin0:37not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonSomeone To Watch Over MeReimagines Gershwin3:06not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonSummertimeReimagines Gershwin3:13not ratedCD9/6/2010
Brian WilsonThe Like In I Love YouReimagines Gershwin3:20not ratedCD9/6/2010

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