Carly Simon
Original Album Series: Carly Simon/Anticipation/No Secrets/Hotcakes/Playing Possum

Carly Simon - Original Album Series: Carly Simon/Anticipation/No Secrets/Hotcakes/Playing Possum

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Adult Contemporary/Singer Songwriter
  • Format: 5CD
  • Category: pop/rock
  • Duration: 3:06:43
  • ****
  • Added December 13, 2023
  • Played May 10, 2024
  • Rated December 13, 2023


CD1 - Carly Simon
1. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Benot rated4:18
2. Carly Simon - Alonenot rated3:36
3. Carly Simon - One More Timenot rated3:32
4. Carly Simon - The Best Thingnot rated4:23
5. Mark "Moogy" Klingman - Just A Sinnernot rated3:13
6. Jacob Brackman/Frank Gardner - Dan, My Flingnot rated5:27
7. Carly Simon - Another Doornot rated3:20
8. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman/Billy Mernit - Reunionsnot rated3:08
9. Carly Simon - Rolling Down The Hillsnot rated3:39
10. Buzzy Linhart - The Love's Still Growingnot rated4:07
CD2 - Anticipation
1. Carly Simon - Anticipationnot rated3:21
2. Carly Simon - Legend In Your Own Timenot rated3:44
3. Carly Simon - Our First Day Togethernot rated3:29
4. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - The Girl You Think You Seenot rated3:07
5. Bill Payne - Summer's Coming Around Againnot rated4:12
6. Carly Simon/Paul Glanz/Jim Ryan - Share The Endnot rated3:59
7. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - The Gardennot rated4:10
8. Carly Simon - Three Daysnot rated3:17
9. Carly Simon - Julie Through The Glassnot rated3:24
10. Kris Kristofferson - I've Got To Have Younot rated4:44
CD3 - No Secrets
1. Carly Simon - The Right Thing To Donot rated2:58
2. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - The Carter Familynot rated3:30
3. Carly Simon - You're So Vainnot rated4:18
4. Carly Simon - His Friends Are More Than Fond Of Robinnot rated3:01
5. Carly Simon - We Have No Secretsnot rated3:56
6. Carly Simon - Embrace Me, You Childnot rated4:08
7. Carly Simon - Waited So Longnot rated4:28
8. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - It Was So Easynot rated3:08
9. James Taylor - Night Owlnot rated3:50
10. Carly Simon/Billy Mernit - When You Close Your Eyesnot rated3:13
CD4 - Hotcakes
1. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - Safe And Soundnot rated3:39
2. Carly Simon - Mind On My Mannot rated2:59
3. Carly Simon - Think I'm Gonna Have A Babynot rated3:54
4. Carly Simon - Older Sisternot rated3:09
5. Carly Simon - Just Not Truenot rated5:18
6. James Taylor - Hotcakesnot rated1:07
7. Carly Simon - Misfitnot rated3:09
8. Carly Simon/James Taylor - Forever My Lovenot rated3:26
9. Carly Simon with James Taylor, Inez Foxx/Charlie Foxx - Mockingbirdnot rated4:14
10. Carly Simon - Grownupnot rated3:44
11. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - Haven't Got Time For The Painnot rated3:56
CD5 - Playing Possum
1. Carly Simon - After The Stormnot rated2:49
2. Carly Simon - Love Out In The Streetnot rated3:42
3. Carly Simon - Look Me In The Eyesnot rated3:36
4. Mac Rebennack (Dr. John)/Alvin Robinson - More And Morenot rated4:04
5. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - Slavenot rated3:56
6. Carly Simon/Jacob Brackman - Attitude Dancingnot rated3:53
7. Billy Mernit - Sons Of Summernot rated3:08
8. Carly Simon - Waterfallnot rated3:33
9. Carly Simon - Are You Ticklishnot rated2:28
10. Carly Simon - Playing Possumnot rated3:56

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